Elizabeth Cope

Elizabeth Cope was born in Co. Kildare in 1952. She graduated in Fine art Painting from the National College of Art and Design, Dublin and continued her studies at Sir John Cass School of Art, London and Chelsea School of Art. She contributed significantly to the early development of Éigse Carlow art exhibitions and was a frequent exhibitor at Éigse. She travelled widely in Africa, Australia and North America and has had solo shows in Walton and Walton Park Gallery, London; Hanne Brehm Gallery, Zurich; Butler Gallery, Kilkenny; Wooster and New York; Castello di Galeazza Gallery, Bologna (Italy); and the Solomen Gallery Dublin. In March 2011 she had a retrospective (1980-2010) at the National Arts Club, New York. Selected Group shows include Galerie Thorigny, Paris; Dallas Museum of Art, USA; RHA Banquet, Dublin; Walker Art Gallery Harrogate and Odette Gilbert Gallery, London.

Cope exhibited at Éigse regularly from 1986 to 1994 and was an Invited Artist at Éigse’s thirty-year retrospective at VISUAL Carlow in 2010.