Paul Schneider

Paul Schneider was born in Saarbrucken in 1927. From 1948 to 1951 he studied art in Kassel continuing his studies fro 1952 to 1953 at the Staedel Art Institute in Frankfurt. Since 1953 he has worked as a freelance artist. He extended his education internationally studying in Italy in 1958 and in Greece in 1960. The interplay between light, stone and shade, together with his fascination with the mysticism of numbers, informs all of Paul Schneider’s work. His output is prolific and ranges from small pieces such as those in the Carlow Art Collection to large public sculpture such as Sonnen-Lerchen-Hexenstein which stands on a hill near his home in Merzig on the German-Luxemburg border. A major feature of his life has been the promotion of public sculpture. For this he has been the recipient of many honours in his own country.  On the international front he has participated in and organised sculpture symposia across Europe, including the Cech republic, Romania, Italy, Austria, India, England as well as in his native Germany. It was through these symposia that he developed a friendship with Eileen McDonagh who invited him to participate in Éigse-Carlow. Sun-Stone (Cloch Gréine) was completed on its present site, in June 1993, in time for the summer solstice.

Paul Schneider exhibited in Éigse in 1993.